Friday, February 27, 2009

Entry: Tabula Rasa

"The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense."   -Tom Clancy

Well, here we are again. Brand new site. Brand new me, well actually, same old me-but maybe a brand new you. Many of you may never have heard of me. Hello. My name is Tony Tescadero. I'm a social butterfly. That's what I do. I have the uncanny ability to live an amazing life and witness extraordinarly slash comedic events. Some of you may have heard of me; or followed me through my many blogging sites. (Xanga, MySpace, Twitter, Facebook...Blackplanet, get the idea) but if I'm new to you, then thanks for stopping by. 

I started writing blogs as a way to get an opinion on the wackiness of the relationships I found myself getting in. See, I grew up a bit of a whore, and being in the military travelling to different locales and stuff didn't help. So I yearned for a companion because here I am twenty something and I've never- no exaggeration here, well I've only been in four rellationships with the last one being the longest lasting at three months. So yeah I aired my dirty dating laundry and somehow it ended up doing what I do for all my non-online friends.  Giving advice. That continued for awhile a perfect blend of me sharing, my readers sharing, me embarrassing myself with pictures and videos, starting an online radio show(!!!), meeting some cool ass people, and well the rest is history.

It's funny how the internet works. I once heard someone on the train telling their friend a story about me. I was flattered. I once was recognized as well, but a random stranger screaming "Hey you're that guy who got his dick bit by a possum!" in the EXPRESS store isn't as fun as it sounds. So once again, welcome and have fun with me. I'm going to enjoy it. Laaaattee!


"My dreams were all my own, I accounted to them to nobody; they were my refuge when annoyed- my dearest pleasure when free." -Mary Shelley; 'Frankenstein' or 'The Modern Prometheus'