continued from Part 2: Quandary (<---clicky)
So we've established that you've been 'zoned' and you tried to escape that dreadful area to no avail. It's simply time to pick another target. But not so fast! Don't cut that girl off! Only inexperienced and small minded guys freak out because they've been sent to the zone. Maybe because they feel it's so closely tied to rejection. Regardless, there are benefits to keeping the girl around. Believe it or not there are some really good benefits to being in the friend zone. Don't believe me? I'll show you. In fact, to make this interesting- I'll compare each benefit with a TV platonic male/female relationship that illustrate my point. Now, without further ado- Let's get on with it:
1.) No other guys will take advantage of being there with you. (Liz Lemon and Jack Donaghy [30 Rock])

The possibility of becoming more than a friend is the main and most obvious reason why guys stay in the friend zone with girls. You two exist in a little world where everyone wonders if you two are sleeping with each other. But you're not, even though you interact like an old married couple. She knows that, her friends know that, your friends know that. Don't try to hide it. Now, when it comes to women that have strong will, this possibility of 'being more' may never become reality. However, if you know what you're doing and have patience, you can turn things around in your favor. Mind you, you really shouldn't be trying 'turn things around' unless you're truly in love with her. If you chose to stay in the friend zone for this reason, the you gotta be patient. If you're here just for an opportunity to smash, you're pathetic. And she's probably going to see through your bullshit. If ou truly love her, don't suffocate the girl with your affection- then you're gonna try too hard, which will lead to you being needy. She has put you in a place where she feels comfortable, and if you're going to be her friend, you have to come to terms with that. Now, maybe she needs sex from you. That can be accomplished as long you know what it is before you hop in those sheets. Is this boredom sex? Is this counseling and consoling sex? Whatever it is, if you're solid in the friend zone- it ain't let's get together sex. It's 'you're the penis I trust the most at this time, and I need a penis sex' Can you handles that honestly?? Play your position.
Of course, this can also lead to a deeply intimate relationship, which if it fails, the friendship is be smart.
3.) Building your confidence. (Chandler Bing and Monica Geller-before they slept together. [Friends])

Being in the friend zone also means that by becoming friends with more girls, you'll be able to improve your confidence and comfort level around them. This is extremely helpful if you don't have very much experience and want to be more relaxed and natural around them. This will unwittingly prepare you for future interactions with other women. Spending time around other girls, makes being on a date a lot more natural, aside from trying to sleep with the new girl, it'll kinda be like hanging with your friend- which equals a less stressful time for you.
The only foreseeable downside to becoming comfortable around girls is when you become too comfortable being around girls, you may soften up, or become too crafty and change for the worse. Even worse, you may become that guy that she tells all her big dick fantasy lady stuff to. But maybe you can handle that, because again, that just invites you into their brain. If you can handle that, make sure you are yourself around girls and don't change yourself to fit in with them. NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY.
4.) Opportunities to meet new women. (Ted Mosby and Robin Sherbatsky [How I Met Your Mother])
This one is for all you opportunists out there. Being in this position gives you new opportunities to meet new women. Double points if they're her friends. If you are outgoing enough you'll end up meeting friends of the girl who friend zoned you, which can grow your pool of dating prospects. This will make it easier for you to bounce back and recover after being put in the friend zone. The more often you find yourself in the friend zone, the more opportunities you'll find to meet new women. This will help speed up the process of finding the right girl for you. Maybe you can't grab a girl from her friend list. Fine. Girls are really good at tracking and hunting down future prospects. Even being with your lady friend in a bar increases your chances of meeting a new woman. Think of them as a dog on a duck hunt. Remember it's the female lions that hunt...and when you got a good lady friend in your corner, hunt. they. shall.
5.) Free Advice from a Woman's Perspective (Michael Scott and Pam Beesly-Halpert [The Office])
This is the last and arguably the most beneficial reason. If you can manage to stay in the friend zone with the girl without shuffling her off to the limbo of insignificance then you'll have a reliable source of free dating and relationship advice as long as she's around. This will definitely come in handy when you need to work through some issues with future prospects, and it's A) not as embarrassing talking to her as opposed to your male friends; and B) her advice probably won't be as idiotic as his may. So take advantage of this kind of advice if you ever need it. C) She may even repair the damage you did to some other woman.
And there you have it. Hopefully I've done my part in the male community and helped my brothers out there. If I haven't, oh well. You were probably destined for failure from the beginning. Happy hunting!
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