Ok. So someone asked me recently who I thought would win in a fight between two of my favorite fictional icons. I told them the answer was probably Spider-Man, and they asked me to go into detail. So here goes. (Here's the original question:
who would win in a fight. Spider-Man on steroids if yoda taught him how to use the force. Or Sephiroth on Cocaine wearing an exoskeleton suit?
Sephiroth vs. Spider-Man:Here's what we know. (or can assume)
Sephiroth is about 6'3" he's about peak mutant levels of strength and agility- which to say he probably is as strong as Wolverine, and just as agile as Daredevil. He's a master swordsman, wielding a 7' foot Masamune which has immense power. It's capable of cutting through most objects like a hot knife through butter- sometimes even without actual contact with the target. (Notice the destruction of the cannon.)
It should probably be noted that Sephiroth has a massive amount of knowledge- not book smarts-genius like Spidey is when it comes to science, but wisdom due to his time in the Lifestream absorbing the wisdom of the Ancients. He's also been shown unleashing bursts of energy from his sword, teleporting (which he's never used in combat), and post Jenova, he is able to shapeshift her body parts into his visage and other forms. After absorbing the knowledge of the Lifestream while regenerating his body, Sephiroth gains the ability to use magic without requiring the use of Materia.
Sephiroth also has a measure of psychic abilities, able to read minds, project illusions, and levitate objects and people using his will alone.That added with his stoic, slightly pretentious demeanor, it's highly unlikely Sephiroth would use cocaine, or an exosleleton. However, if we had to include that, I can only assume the armor would deduct from his already impressive agility and speed; while the coke would only make him more aggressive... which would unfortunately also deduct from his wisdom. Sephiroth also has an incredible will. It's through sheer willpower that he controls all his minions, (clones/SOLDIERS injected with Jenova cells) Jenova, and avoids certain absolute death. It could be argued that he's immortal, because of this willpower, and refusal to lose. Something else, I'll factor in for sake of battle points- is his limit break, or desperation techniques "Super Nova" (which he summons a meteor that destroys parts of the sun and engulfs his opponent in a wave of fire.) and his "Ocataslash" which he unleashes a swift sequence of eight lethal sword attacks.
Spider-Man however, who's about 5'9" can lift somewhere in the 9-10 tons range. He's armed with two wristband mounted webshooters which allow him to contain, and attack opponents- and they also allow him to travel great distances in short amounts of time by 'webslinging' Spider-Man also is probably the most agile character created. It's because of this agility, combined with the webshooters he can perform close-mid-long distance combat flawlessly, even against multiple opponents. (Clearly, Reed Richards was impressed...)
In terms of pure strength, Spider-Man most likely can out lift Seph. The popular thought is his strength max is 10 tons. So, Spider-Man doesn't really need the juice-but if he were on the juice- I'm guessing you can safely assume that all blows landed would be ridiculously maxed out. Not to mention, the possibility of Spidey 'Roid Rage. Spider-Man also has an intuitive danger- avoidance system he dubbed, "the Spider-Sense" when he places 100% faith into it, it will undoubtedly save him from harm 100% of the time. This perk has given him the ability to face foes blindfolded, drugged and even handicapped. In addition to all this, you're now adding the use of "The Force" which in the most simple terms is telekinesis, and slight intuition.
And that my friend, is what turns the battle from victory for Spidey to straight-up landslide victory. Let's look at it like this. Like, most of Spider-Man's opponents, Sephiroth will learn the hard way that Spidey is hard to hit, and if you can't land an attack- you've lost. Spidey just has to use his his Spider-Sense to guide his body from Sephiroth's attacks. That probably won't be too hard, seeing how Sephiroth needs to be a certain distance from his opponent to succcessfully use his sword. Not saying he has to be far, it's just he can't survive at close quarter range where Spidey prevails. In fact, this fight could probably boil down to Spidey either dismantling the suit, or disabling it, and attacking him directly.
It could be argued, though that because Spidey can't compete with post-Civil War Iron Man, how can he take apart and exoskeleton? Well simply the question wasn't about battle armor on Stark's/Doom levels. And not only that, the Spidey-Sense combined with 'the force' totally make this a no-brainer. Simply because Seph won't be able to produce any major damage.
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