I find that irony is the most ridiculous of all the things that happen in my life. I'm not even sure that this can be called irony. Nevertheless I'm going to share this story with you.
Late last year I was using the T-Mobile WING...which wasn't a bad device, once you hacked into it and unlocked the pure power of PC modifications. Anyway, one day Tam decides he wants to invite me to the Eyebar with some co-workers of his. I agree, and we take off and I meet some folk, I have a great time. Then, at the let out-one of the girls that I was just introduced to jumps on my back in a playful manner but I wasn't expecting it, so my phone flies out of my hand, falls to the ground, the battery casing comes apart and the battery falls directly into a sewer grate. What are the chances of this happening? Slim. But when you're Tescadero....anything is possible.
So I immediately went and upgraded to a T-Mobile G1.
Now, that G1 has been a great phone since day one with me, I haven't really had any major complaints with the device...it actually fit in with the rest of my daily crap (i.e. iPod, laptop, keys, wallet) pretty well. That is until the other day I was hanging out in Georgetown with a couple friends and I had my G1 resting in it's discreet little belt clip. I was taking a stroll along the water side, I'm not sure what that little canal that runs between M and K streets is called but that's where I was. Now for a reason that I choose not to get into because it will lead away from the point of the story, I had to take off into a short sprint. And when I did- guess what?
The G1 hit the ground, the battery casing comes apart and the battery falls directly into that damn water. And when this happened, it almost took in a slow motion with 'O Fortuna' playing in the back ground as it galloped off the dirt path and then splashed into that filthy stream, lost forever.
So I figured until I contacted my insurance company- I was stuck with the little bullcrap Sony Ericsson I purchased in a haste to replace my WING while awaiting my G1 to arrive. And it was two days later- yesterday in fact that I hit the town with the fellas- I drove uptown to Cleveland Park for a couple drinks with Reggie and Jyscal in the back and my cousin Derrell riding shotgun. Riding up Connecticut Ave. banging out Daft Punk, switchin to Kanye, and B sides of Biggie, we push through the rain in good spirits and jokes. Derrell is sippin slow from his little SOLO cup full of some strange alcoholic mixture. He decides to place his cup in my cup holder- and I turn onto this small side street to park. I'm U-turning to squeeze between two SUV's when the phone rings. It's Mike. He wants to know where the party is. I tell him let me call you back and put my phone down on my cup holder/arm rest. As I back into the space with razor sharp precision- Derrell taps me on the shoulder and says,
"Your phone is in my cup."
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." -Willy Wonka
1 comment:
LOL.. I shouldn't laugh, only because that sounds like the story of my life... Midas touch, with the feces option (everything I touch turns to shit...)
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