1)Who are Adam and Eve? (introduced in the season one episode 'House of The Rising Sun' by Jack) As of now, it appears the most realistic answer to that is it's Rose and Bernard who haven't been seen since the season 5 episode 'The Lie' after the mysterious flaming arrow attack during 1954. When Jack discovers the bodies, he notices the bodies must be around 50 years old. [The plane crash takes place in 2004] Maybe they took refuge into the caves and there either died of starvation or were killed by island hostiles.
2)What did Jack do with the black and white stones he found on the bodies? And more importantly- what do they signify?
3)What is Christian Shepherd? Chronologically, he's been out of his coffin since the crash. [He sent Vincent to wake Jack up in the pilot of season one. This is actually not shown in the actual show, but the LOST mobisode "So It Begins" (which you can view here- http://bit.ly/lwdcM)] So, did he come back to life upon crashing like Locke did later in season 5? Or is he a dead manifestation of the island? And if so, why is he out of his coffin? Following that same line of intrigue, was Christian already dead when he spoke to Sawyer in the bar at Sydney? Probably not- Sawyer's never seen the dead before...but it may be possible.

4) Speaking of Jack's awakening in the Pilot episode, what is that item right next to his head? It appears to be Ben's extendable baton...(which he used in S3's "Every Man For Himself", and S4's "The Shape Of Things To Come") It may be possible if the entire series comes full circle and the end is the beginning. Will it come down to Ben and Jack? Or is it pure coincidence?
5) In S2's "The Other 48 Days" Ana Lucia says "We were in the air for 2 hours..." however the pilot of the plane claims that "6 hours in, our radio went out..."

6) Skip ahead to S3's "A Tale Of Two Cities"...

7) Locke is later told in S3's "Further Instructions" by Boone to "bring the family back together" he then goes on to imply that Locke must save Eko ("before that you must clean up your mess")

8) Finally, [for now] S3's "The Man From Tallahassee" Locke boarded the sub to sabotage it with the C4 he took from the Flame DHARMA station. Yet, when the sub exploded- he was soaking wet. Also, just before the sub exploded, the sub was not visible, yet it was when he approached it. Is it possible that he moved the sub?

This is it for this week. I won't open Pandora's Box yet... but feel free to comment with things you've noticed as well.
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