If you have a vagina, then I'm willing to bet at some point in your life you've been called a whore. (or as Biggie put it: A slut, a whore or a freak.)
I remember when I met my first real floozy. I was 15 years old, and my experience with women was limited to the girlfriend I had at the time. She was the friend of another bitch that met my friend Gee at a party in Maryland. She was introduced to me (and Gee) over the phone, for the sole purpose of me keeping her entertained when Gee finally convinced the friend to travel to D.C. to give him some ass. See? Even before I became the scampish Casanova I eventually became, I was an awesome wingman. (Maverick status. Who checkin' me?) However, it didn't work out that way.
A woman's body, not a man's- will always be vied over for control whether it's rape, reproductive rights, or violence against women. Sucks, but it's the way it is.
It's the entire premise behind asking a man for his daughter's hand, and that father 'giving her away.' (and if you're a super conservative you've heard of those 'Purity Balls') I mentioned it in an earlier post but ya'll should really read up on that virgin/whore dichotomy thing.
The slut/pimp conundrum will never make sense logically. Why is a woman less of a person, or (my favorite) "dirty," because she has sex? (Heterosexual sex, that is; because somehow lesbian sex isn't "real.") Does dick have some bizarre dirtymaking power that I'm unaware of? AS MUCH as I use my dick, I thought I knew all of its uncanny abilities. With every partner a woman has sex with does she lose a bit of her moral compass? I'll never know the answer... and frankly neither will you.
Fact is- this is one of those things in life that will probably never be resolved. Kinda like why are women allowed to do the easy pushups, get an abortion or refuse one without the father's consent, (I know, I know- it's her body, blah blah- but there are horror stories out there) or take maternity leave even if they adopt. (It's true. Some jobs allow that)
It's sad. It truly is. I don't care who you sleep around with. That's between you and God. Or... whoever you wanna end up with. Yes, I do judge women that sleep with certain calibers of guys- but that's my opinion and I'm entitled that. I don't however need to, belittle a woman for sleeping around, and YES, I do enjoy the occasional courtesan. Point is- stop giving girls a hard time over their choices of laps to sit on. There are more fair ways to get the pie, and furthermore, it's a dick move. Just give it a thought. I implore you to consider the ridiculousness of this double standard.
...but then again... you could look at it the way my very drunk, very gay (yet very wise about women) mentor told me...
"If a key opens lots of locks, then it's a master key. If a lock is opened by lots of keys, then it's a shitty lock."
...but if you look at it that way, the whole thing makes sense. ...and we're back at square one.
The whole world thinks I'm a slut and a whore. That's what I'm going to have to cope with for the rest of my life. -Faria Alam
If you have a vagina, then I'm willing to bet at some point in your life you've been called a whore. (or as Biggie put it: A slut, a whore or a freak.)

It turns out, this particular tramp somehow discovered Gee's number and had been talking to him in secret, despite her best friend had become quite enamored with him. Her hussy behavior didn't stop there- no... a couple weeks later, I get a phone call from Gee demanding that I come over and retrieve said wench from his house for two reasons.
- Despite her deceptive phone voice, and equally deceptive exotic name, she did not physically meet our expectations.
- After the secret sex rendezvous, Gee expected her to leave. She didn't get the memo.
I'm digressing from the point of this entry.
A couple days after she sucked my friend's dick in front of me (well, behind me yet close enough that she should've been a tad embarrassed) Gee and I got drunk and she popped up unexpectedly again- a trait that I would later discover all trollops shared- and Gee openly and to her face called her a whore. I wasn't surprised he did that, I was surprised that I quickly and apparently agreed, while ignoring the fact that we just shared the same girl within the same month.
I'm going to fast forward here and try to dive face first into my point.
Despite the word slut has a certain ubiquitous air about it, you'll never hear it used seriously to describe a man's actions. Nor any of the other terms I've carefully used in this post to describe her or her actions. Sure, SOME will call a man a 'dog' or some other vanilla, but really- a multitude of words have basically become synonymous with a promiscuous woman. Face it ladies. A man that sleeps around gets high fives. A woman that does it gets demerits and the shaking of heads. Is it fair? No. Does it make sense? No. Is it right? No.
Is it the way it is? Umm. Yeah.
Well, wait. It does make sense if you really look at the true purpose of these terms. Think about it. The sole purpose of any of these terms is to control women through shame and humiliation. Think it doesn't work? It does. It's just as effective as shitting on a woman's self esteem to get her to give you some. Classic manipulation.
It's the entire premise behind asking a man for his daughter's hand, and that father 'giving her away.' (and if you're a super conservative you've heard of those 'Purity Balls') I mentioned it in an earlier post but ya'll should really read up on that virgin/whore dichotomy thing.
The slut/pimp conundrum will never make sense logically. Why is a woman less of a person, or (my favorite) "dirty," because she has sex? (Heterosexual sex, that is; because somehow lesbian sex isn't "real.") Does dick have some bizarre dirtymaking power that I'm unaware of? AS MUCH as I use my dick, I thought I knew all of its uncanny abilities. With every partner a woman has sex with does she lose a bit of her moral compass? I'll never know the answer... and frankly neither will you.
Fact is- this is one of those things in life that will probably never be resolved. Kinda like why are women allowed to do the easy pushups, get an abortion or refuse one without the father's consent, (I know, I know- it's her body, blah blah- but there are horror stories out there) or take maternity leave even if they adopt. (It's true. Some jobs allow that)

...but then again... you could look at it the way my very drunk, very gay (yet very wise about women) mentor told me...
"If a key opens lots of locks, then it's a master key. If a lock is opened by lots of keys, then it's a shitty lock."
...but if you look at it that way, the whole thing makes sense. ...and we're back at square one.
The whole world thinks I'm a slut and a whore. That's what I'm going to have to cope with for the rest of my life. -Faria Alam