I implore you to watch that before moving on. [NSFW]
This is arguably the most important scene from a little movie from Kevin Smith called, 'Chasing Amy' (1997) (Lol. I know my friends are sick of me referencing this film, however- there's so many things you can learn from it.
Anyway, a cyber friend of mine asked the question today:
Question for you guys. What is a "respectable," yet realistic, number for a 25-30 year old woman? I'm interested in ur opinion.
Here's my answer: WHO GIVES A SHIT?
Let's eliminate the bullshit that this question contains, and get to the real issue here.
Full disclosure.
In a relationship you don't have to tell your mate every damn thing. It's a relationship for crying out loud, not an oath in court. Hell, some people don't want to know everything that you've done before they came along. Some of them even say, "Hey I don't wanna know about your old whoring ways"
I like these people. Respect these people and their decision. Don't tell them anything they don't ask about.
Just do not volunteer the info.
Everyone has the right to their past and the experiences that made them who they are. A person shouldn't have to hide experiences and pretend like things did not happen.
They had a life before you.
Past lovers exist.

Because you feel everything before you shouldn't exist?
Thing is, you don't get to date a blank slate. You don't get a fresh sheet. Why do you feel you deserve one?
If you really feel that way, move over to the middle east where they still practice arranged marriages at 14 years old.
I believe that when a woman enters my life I want to know about her past because I'm interested in her present. Not because I want to judge her past actions. Because who she is now, is formed by who she was then, and all that she's been through. Not because I think she has a disease. Lots of sex doesn't equate to germ sponge, and I think people that use that argument have just admitted they lost the argument and that they are driving blindfolded. I'm not threatened by all those old guys, or any mementos she kept of them. You shouldn't be either.
Don't get me wrong. I don't sit in bed and say,
"Ooh PLEASE tell me about that time you went down on 4 guys in a line like a circus seal."
Grow up.
The source of the problem, (and I can't pretend like I'm not directing this at men anymore) is a little mind set called the Virgin/Whore Dichotomy. (Go look it up.)
"It's okay to be a whore when I want my dick sucked, but I can't marry a girl that has sucked 37 dicks."
What the fuck ever.
These men that think that way, or even any guy that answered that question with an actual number needs to be sat down and told this:
"How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being?”
-Oscar Wilde
1 comment:
This is why niggas think Drake is soft. He said it best... "all them other men were practice for me".
Eh, promiscuity is nothing more than a lack of discretion.
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