You've never judged me, and you've never held your tongue against me when I was being stupid. Somewhere behind those dumb doe eyes of yours lies some weird wisdom that I'm sure one day I'll completely understand. I've always felt completely comfortable around you. I have complete confidence that no matter how extra-ordinary I get on a daily basis, you won't let us both go over the edge.
I always laugh at how you were always the "quiet, nice one" and I was the loudmouth who always dropped the f-bomb in the worst settings. You still enjoy having me around to say 'fuck off' or 'eat a dick' to people you hate. lol...
It sucks we can't kick it as hard as we used to but the distance is just an obstacle my dude. Besides, I've been kickin' it with this other kid who will fit into our groove perfectly.
Remember when 'The Constant' got irritated when I said my wife would have to understand no matter where I live I always need a guest room for Dan? haha... Nobody will ever click with me the way you do. I still feel that way. We're fuckin' Joey and Chandler.
My man, 50 grand... Dan the Man, Duke of New York, Squire of the Bronx.
Love ya kid.
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