Dear urban youth:
You grind my gears. You grind them beyond repair. I've seen what you consider hip-hop. I now finally realize why white folk in Connecticut say "you can't spell 'crap' without rap" Well. Allow me to give you a treat. This. is. hip. hop.
This is the video "Shutterbug" the lead single from Big Boi's (of OutKast) solo album "Sir Lucious Left Foot: The Son of Chico Dusty" Take notes. Videos don't HAVE to be about drug dealing, car chases, explosions, holding guns and sledgehammers. Nor do I have to see some pretty face and no brain scantily clad Sally Rottencrotch gyrate all over my screen.
I'm not saying this video is PERFECT. Nor am I saying Big Boi can single handedly save hip-hop. What I'm saying is this video is pure fun. colorful. creative. fresh. enjoyable. entertaining. (did I mention fun?) ...and THAT my friend, is HIP. HOP.
I would go further into this discussion and try to persuade you to actually go and BUY Big Boi's CD, which is also all of those adjectives I used before...and it's critically acclaimed. (Which... I can't really say for two other artists that came out recently that I notice everyone has. [check the ratings] *coughRickRosscoughDrakecough*) but I figure I'll take whatever minor victory I can.
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