This one was easy.
I tried to approach this one unbiased, because it's no secret I despise Young Money and all its 'artists'. (Especially- ESPECIALLY that logo of theirs that's a ripoff of the legendary New York Yankees logo.) Even with an indifferent eye on the subject, I can't help but feel that this is by far one of THE STUPIDEST SONGS EVER WRITTEN.
From it's ridiculous ambition (whether serious, or playful) to 'fuck every girl in the world', to it's sinfully catchy hook, it makes no sense. How can you state that you want to fuck every girl in the world yet your music videos, your demeanor, and your lyrics clearly identify a certain type of woman that you're solely interested in? By being a complete fool, that's how.
It's my belief that songs like this are the reason irresponsible men are out here with 4 or 5 children with 4 or 5 different mothers. I'm far from giving a shit about women's rights, nor do I carry myself as a role model for how men should treat women. However, I have enough common sense to see that this is a preposterous idea, no matter how much you love women. Any male worth his salt that has led a life of casual sex knows that sleeping with 'every girl in the world' or even too many is a recipe for disaster on numerous levels. This song (along with many others like it) remind me of why so many other cultures hate hip-hop. Hip-hop started out as the black man's CNN and now it's nothing more than tales of frivolous spending and glorified sexual escapades with red and yellow skinned video vixens. The funny part about that is, NONE of the audience that caters to this type of 'music' can relate to the lifestyle described in the songs.Even if... it's a playful tale of wanting to sleep with every (pretty, fair skinned, long haired, size 2-6) girl in the world.
...and that's just all I have to say about that. Meh.
(Close runner up: "I'm Single" - Lil' Wayne another completely retarded song that makes absolutely no sense in real life.)

Artist: Young Money
Album: We Are Young Money
Released: December 21, 2009
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